Friday, October 8, 2010

Why am I here?

Food blogs are ubiquitous I realize.  I'm not doing anything that different.

Thing is, food is a subjective thing.  I have no way of knowing how a bite of food will taste on your palate and what makes one person cringe in disgust will make another drool in anticipation.  I do not claim to be an expert on food but I enjoy it and I know what I like and what tastes good to me.

As far as the writing part, well, I have a lot of free time.  Like many people I was laid off from my job (long story short, big bank takes over small bank and inevitably there are some redundancies and I was one of them).  I spent 8 and a half years working in a bank and prior to that I spent 2 years working for a mutual fund company.  I liked working in finance okay, it paid the bills and I was good at it.  But I didn't love it.  My severance gave me a good cushion and I was fortunate in that I paid off my debt prior to being laid off.  I decided that if I can manage it I would like to have a job I really like.  It may not happen and I may wind up having to take whatever I can get if I stay unemployed much longer.  I don't plan on being too picky because I really can't be, but I spent over a decade working a job I was ambivalent about and I'd like to start a new trend if I can.  It may involve going back to school, but that's okay.

I figured while I do my job hunt to spend part of my time doing something I enjoy.  I really don't know if I'm even that good of a writer, but it feels good to have a creative outlet.

So this is the place I'll be using to write about restaurants (if you have any recommendations, please pass them along), dishes I attempts to make, dishes other people make, food memories and I can pretty much guarantee that I will go off on many tangents.  I will probably tell you too much about myself, but blogging is a somewhat masturbatory exercise so I figure that is to be expected.

Anyway, here goes nothing.


Karen said...

Your writing style is very engaging.

My favorite blogs are the ones that give me an option to get an email when a new post comes out. or I can see a notice on facebook. I'm pathetic at remembering to check in to blogs. If those are options I'll be happy.

Do you follow 101 cookbooks? That's one I like, though it's more for the recipes than the prose. And Cream Puffs in Venice has its annoyances, but I like how it showcases folks who are trying the recipes they see in the media. I've been thinking a long time about starting one called "to market, to market" about one quirky little comestibles market at a time.

Ga-Ström said...

I'm going to try and send notices to facebook when I update. I have a couple people whose blogs I try to follow and it's tough to remember to read them without some sort of notice.

I like the market blog idea - cool name too. I miss going food shopping at Haymarket and in the North End.